Do We Really Need To Eat Organic Food To Be Healthy?

By Carol Wickett 
Some people may answer no to that question, but the fact is that there are more chemicals in food today than ever before. Food manufacturers not only add chemicals to food such as MSG to enhance the taste, but use them in the processing of food. And not only that, but it is now estimated that there are over 100,000 chemicals on the market today with 1,000-2,000 new ones added each year. That is staggering! Many of them end up in our water, in the air and in our food. It is also estimated that 60% of all herbicides, 90% of all fungicides and 30% of all pesticides are carcinogenic! In other words, they can cause cancer.
The word "organic" refers to the way farmers grow and process foods, such as grains, vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products. Farmers who grow organically do not use toxic chemical methods to control weeds, fertilize and prevent livestock disease. For instance, they spread things like mulch and manure to keep weeds at bay. Organic farming methods are designed to reduce pollution and encourage soil and water conservation.
At one time, organic food was only found in health food stores, but now most supermarkets have at least a small health food section. I think in years to come that will change and groceries will offer even more organic foods. One of my favorite stores to shop is Trader Joe's. Not everything in the store is organic but a lot is, so read your labels.
I believe there are many benefits to eating organic. One is that it helps us be more aware of getting back to nature. Long gone are the days when people use to get their hands down in the dirt farming and gardening. It was just plain good for the soul. Most people don't even step their bare feet on the dirt or grass to get physically "grounded". For some people gardening is better than therapy. My mom was like that. When I was growing up she spent at least 2-3 hours every night in the spring and summer in her flower and garden beds.
In addition to the emotional and mental benefits, the physical benefits are huge. A big one is as mentioned, avoiding the toxic chemicals. Also, there are nutrients present in organic foods that are absent in commercial foods. Overall organic foods show much higher levels of nutrient minerals and much lower levels of heavy metals.
Here is a short list of nutrients found in higher levels in organic foods.
  • Magnesium - keeps muscles from spasming, good for nerves and decreases mortality from heart attacks. Average 138% more.
  • Calcium - important for the bones. Average 63% higher in organics.
  • Chromium - deficiency is associated with adult onset of diabetes and hardening of the arteries. This micronutrient is low in Western diets. Average 78% more.
  • Boron - along with calcium has been shown to prevent osteoporosis. Average 70% higher in organic food.
  • Selenium - an antioxidant nutrient that protects us from damage by environmental chemicals. It protects against heart disease and cancer. Found on average 390% more.
  • Lithium - used to treat certain types of depression. Average 188% more.
  • Heavy metals like aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury averages anywhere from 25-40% less in organic foods.
Is it organic? Check the Label
An organic certification program has been established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It requires all organic foods to meet certain strict government standards which regulate how these foods are grown, handled and processed. If a product is labeled organic it must be certified by the USDA. Fruits and veggies should have a sticker that says organic on it. Packaged foods that says organic may still contain unhealthy ingredients like refined sugars, refined salt, and hydrogenated oils. Be sure to read your labels carefully.
Some reasons why people chose to eat organic foods.
  • Organic gardening and farming without chemicals is better for the environment.
  • Organic foods taste fresher.
  • Organic vegetables are higher in vitamin content, with no chemical residue.
  • There are no harmful chemicals.
  • Organic foods may avoid multi-health issues.
Not only do I prefer and eat organic foods as much as possible, I also add organic essential oils in my cooking. This not only enhances the flavor, but you get all the health benefits that essential oils provide. That's because Young Living practices organic farming methods. In fact, they are the world leader in the cultivation, distillation and production of organically grown, pure essential oils.
By not growing and eating organic foods, we are putting enormous amounts of chemicals in our bodies. It is one of the most important pieces of a healthy lifestyle.

Carol is an essential oil educator and a certified reflexologist. As a distributor of Young Living Essential Oils, she teaches the importance of using genuine, authentic essential oils for health and healing. She has been an advocate of natural health and wellness for the past 35 years. Among the things she has studied includes, the use essential oils, iridology, muscle testing, nutrition, tapping and other forms of energy medicine.


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