Boost Your Baby's Formula with Probiotics

When a new mother is eating a balanced diet and providing her body with the proper nutrients, breastfeeding is always the preferred method of nourishment for a baby. Not only does breastfeeding promote bonding between mom and baby, but breast milk also provides babies with immunity from nutrients, enzymes and proteins that are not found in any other food source. However, there are situations when a mother can not breastfeed, whether from medical reasons or by choice. Infant formulas are no match for human breast milk, but they are the alternative. And, there are some methods to boost a baby`s immune system if breastfeeding is not a viable option.

Infant formula is made from cow`s milk and contains proteins that are much harder for infants to digest than breast milk. They are also full of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and processed ingredients that further decrease a baby`s ability to digest and often cause colic and reflux. Sadly, most infant formulas use corn syrup as their first ingredient in a failed attempt to match the sugars in breast milk.
Organic infant formulas are free of these additives and many do not use corn syrup or added sugars. While the nutritional content is generally the same across the board, it is important you read the labels to ensure you are getting a quality product for your child.

When a baby is born, the passage through the vaginal canal introduces the baby to billions of healthy bacteria, or microflora. It is absorbed by the gut and jump-starts a new baby`s immune system. Colostrum, the gold of breast milk, further builds the intestinal wall with immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, and antibodies. With special sugars only present in breast milk, these nutrients build a protective lining in the intestine, building an immune system.

Babies who are formula-fed should be supplemented with probiotics - naturally found "healthy" bacteria that live in our guts to promote immunity. Babies need this good bacteria to protect themselves from illness. This is especially important in babies born via cesarean, as they do not get the benefit of bacteria from the birth canal.

Probiotics are shown to reduce food allergies, atopic eczema, viruses, fevers, diarrhea and constipation. While many commercial formula manufacturers claim to have probiotics in their product, the amount is minimal at best and mostly a marketing ploy for consumers. It is imperative to find a quality powder probiotic supplement from a reputable health food store or vitamin shop that is formulated for babies and children.

Take a look at the Different Ways to Make Premium Probiotics here.


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